Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The frustrations of dealing with intra/inter-governmental agencies

In the last 3 years, I believe that I have filled out more paperwork, forms and decidedly marginally important documents than I have done in all the rest of my life.  I am seriously thinking of contacting President Obama to volunteer to work (with pay, of course) in helping create a Department of Redundancy.  This department wouldn't actually CREATE redundancy; on the contrary, it would help consolidate processes and eliminate the need to produce the SAME information that each current department of government now requires.  There would be no CA7a Forms for just the Department of Labor; there would be basically the same forms for ALL departments and agencies that are requiring the same information from persons.  That way, these same departments and agencies could actually COMMUNICATE information to/from each other.  Presently, it's like the Department of Labor speaks a completely different language and uses a different alphabet than, let's say...the US Postal Service.  They should also use the same computer system and information processing and while I'm at it, I would also allow secure input from a person's PC to any agency or department.  I am, therefore, my own conduit between the Department of Labor, the US Postal Service, and Social Security Administration and all these agencies want basically the same thing from me.  It is also difficult for me to try and remember which agency speaks which 'language' and whose form belongs to whom. 

I absolutely LOATHE it when I want to actually speak with a representative; I have to plan on spending upwards of 15 minutes just to leave a voicemail which, according to the information stated on the recording, says I shall receive a call within the next 2 business days.  The problem with that is it's like waiting for Larry the Cable Guy to show up with a 2 day window.  If you have to go to work or the store and they call, you have to call them back to be put on ANOTHER 2 business day call-back!  Even if you leave your cellphone number, if you have your phone off and they call you...you go back on the 2 day call-back list.  No call for YOU!

Maybe one of the most frustrating aspects is that I'm not 'allowed' to contact any of these agencies via my home computer nor can I file any requested information via any kind of computer link which leads to my next dilemma...the mind-boggling amount of paperwork generated in one's quest for truth, justice and the American way.  I remember when personal computers first came on the scene...they were touting that computers would eliminate the need for actual PAPER!  How droll and amusing!  In the last 3 years, I have generated 18-3" binders worth of paperwork and that's just what I have kept at home as the recipient's of my paperwork have THEIR 18-3" binders-worth of Karen generated crap.  My Department of Redundancy would save a planet's worth of trees currently being made into woodpulp for paper and don't even get me started about the ink!  You're welcome! ;-)

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